Is weed Legal in Fiji? Whether you are an easygoing smoker searching for information, or quite a while a curious resident, or you anticipate planning your vacations in Fiji and smoking a couple of joints there, we have got all of your prime queries covered- Is weed legal in Fiji? What are the cannabis laws and the cost of the weed? Where can I get the weed? Find all here in this article.
Fiji is a beautiful archipelago country that comprises more than 330 islands and 500 islets. It has been one of the top vacationer locations in the Pacific, with many sightseers from Europe, the United States, and Australia visiting all year round. Its biggest city and the capital is Suva, and the largest island is Viti Levu. Fiji has an advanced economy, with massive cash flow from sugar exportation and vacationers.
But, can tourists enjoy smoking their favorite marijuana in Fiji? The answer is, No. It’s illegal and to find pot in Fiji is a difficult task. Punishment is severe here in Fiji.
Let’s get started.
Cannabis laws in Fiji:

Unfortunately, Fiji has not welcomed the legal status of any cannabis. They have severe punishments for possessing, selling, buying, or cultivating cannabis. However, we are not aware of whether the situation is not going to change any time soon as the Fijian government seems stubborn in taking a step ahead toward the legalization of marijuana.
Current Status:
Medical Marijuana: Illegal
Recreational Marijuana: Illegal
Fiji cannabis law doesn’t welcome you with drugs.
Fiji cannabis History:
According to Wikipedia. Indian hemp was there in Fiji, which was supposed to be brought by the Indians during the Indentured labor system around 1879.
Also, in 1903, a survey report ensured that many Fijian youths were using cannabis in Fiji then. That is due to the influence of foreign tourists.
But, Fiji Government made strict laws to control weed in their country and never awarded legal status to marijuana of any form.
Fiji: Cannabis Laws
Fiji cannabis laws are stringent and may cause you a lot of trouble. Every tourist should know the laws and abide by the country’s laws.
Remember! Don’t think about rolling a joint or smoking in public. The police may catch you and send you to jail. Possession of any amount of marijuana can send you to 3 months of imprisonment or a hefty fine.
Though marijuana doesn’t have legal status in Fiji, police would not bother you for keeping small quantities up to 60 gms, provided you are at least 18 years of age. However, if you carry more than that would take you to jail.
Police understand that young people and tourists use weed and do not mess with travelers or young Fiji people. However, they may ask you for a bribe.
Smoking in public would make you eligible for severe punishment.
Fiji does not have any program for medical marijuana. Hence, try to use their counter medicines to save your day! As the health department will not help you in this regard.
Also, Fiji has severe punishment for growing and selling cannabis. So, don’t even try else; you will indeed be in trouble.
What is the current cannabis culture in Fiji?
Cannabis is not allowed to be sold or for personal use. But, people, especially young people everywhere globally, are attracted to marijuana use. Usually, police keep this in mind and don’t disturb if you are of legal age to use cannabis in Fiji. But don’t observe it as your freedom.
However, marijuana use by minors can lead to punishments. So stay aware!
Do not take the cops for granted, as you never know about your wrong time. No one in Fiji can be involved in the cultivation of weed plants.
Where can you find Weed in Fiji?
As weed is not easily accessible in Fiji, you will get low quality at high prices. You will see the dealers walking around the street or exploring the city. Try to bargain as much as you can.
Hash will be cheaper than any other type of cannabis in Fiji. But the quality of stuff truly depends upon your luck and the dealers. However, the price will be on the higher side for sure. You will spend more money and risk being caught if you search for cannabis in Fiji.
Nadi and Suva are the best cities to find weed. Make sure you are not on the radar of the police! So, don’t get caught.
However, bus stops and taxi drivers are the best sources to expect weed from. May a stranger or a dealer visit and ask you for the weed. But ready to pay high prices in this region.
Future of cannabis in Fiji: will medical marijuana become legal?
There has been no sign from the government of legalizing cannabis until now. But, as the pandemic hit the tourism of the country and many other ways very severely, some analysis shows that Fiji has to think about legalizing cannabis soon to get financial reform. Many families went poor and did not get rations to feed their members due to covid till the authorities helped them. However, nothing can be said at this point.
Fiji has a perfect climate in which cannabis can thrive. Hence maybe the government might think about making it partially legal. Also, medical marijuana has grabbed the world; we can assume that at least medical cannabis will be legal in the coming future.
Hopefully, you have understood that marijuana will not have a legal status soon. Still have queries? Move to our FAQs!
FAQs: Is Weed Legal in Fiji?
Can we send cannabis seeds to Fiji?
No, it is illegal. Neither delivery nor possession of cannabis seeds is allowed in Fiji.
Is there any government website where I can find complete information about the cannabis laws?
Please visit: Click here.
Can I travel to Fiji with my medical cannabis prescription? Will I get weed?
For assistance, you must ask the health ministry of Fiji to avoid any trouble. please do all the needful to avoid inconvenience
How can I stay safe from the police?
The best practice is to stand by the country’s rules and customs and not indulge in any cannabis-related activity. Moreover, if you want to smoke, do not possess more than the recommended amount, plus avoid smoking your joints in public.
Why are the costs of weed items so high in Fiji?
Weed is entirely illegal in Fiji. Further, it is challenging to find articles on weed. These are usually smuggled from other neighboring countries. Fiji does not allow the growing service of marijuana. Hence, these are available at a very high price.
Can Fiji make marijuana legal in 2023?
We don’t think so, as there have been no positive signs from the authorities. Yet, a financial analysis may compel them to take some steps in that direction.
What is the minimum jail sentence for possession of marijuana?
If caught, you need to spend three months in jail.
What if I grow marijuana plants indoors or grow them discreetly?
In recent times news published in 2020, in covid times, when families struggled to get their food, the police seized crops having a street value of FJ$86 million in Kadavu in Fiji. They also hid their crops from police and were shooting down their drones. Lately, they have been sent to prison.
What is Cassava?
Cassava is a weed-like plant but is not marijuana. So, don’t get fooled if someone tells you you will get cannabis plants there. Make sure to research well.
Weed is utterly illegal in Fiji. This island is not going to make it legal shortly. So, it’s better to follow the rules and regulations when visiting or residing in a country like Fiji.
If you want to enjoy weed, do it discreetly in your space. Avoid being noticed by the police. Please do not put your life at risk and enjoy the beautiful island’s tropical nature.