I have always wondered about it, but what does the Bible say about weeds or marijuana? Is there any type of indication about how we should refrain from using and consuming cannabis?

As a Christian, I always thought that the words written in the Holy Scriptures should be followed, like hitting the nail on the head. But does it actually refer to anything in the Bible?
I gave a thorough look at it, and I was able to encounter the Parable of the Weeds.
What is the Parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat?

The parable of the weeds, more religiously known as the parable of the tares, is a story taken from the New Testament from Matthew 13, verses 36 to 43.
To help you understand it further, and so you don’t have to go out of your way to find it, here’s the story of the parable of the weeds.
Jesus Christ, as he only mutters God’s word, told people that he would communicate with them with stories “that people experience in their daily lives.”
When he came back and entered the house, his disciples approached him and asked him to explain the parable of weeds among the wheat (parable of weeds in the field).
Jesus answered, “The one who sowed good seed is considered the Son of Man. The good seed symbolizes the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. The field is the world.”
Christ Jesus continues, “The weeds represent the evil one. Therefore, the enemy or the one who sows weeds is the devil. At the end of age or harvest time, the angels or the harvesters will deliberate.”
By this time, Jesus Christ the Lord God was deep into his story, and his disciples were careful in listening — he continues, “As the good seed will populate the Kingdom of Heaven, the sowed weeds will be pulled up and burned in the fire — and so, that will signal the end of age. Through his angels, the Son of Man will remove sowed weed out of his Kingdom where they can cause sin and do evil.”
What Does This Parable Conclude?
In a concluding manner, Christ ended by saying that the angels will throw out weeds into a blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, while the righteous people of the Kingdom will shine like their Father.
This story about plants, fire, earth, the Son of Man, the enemy, and many other things involved can be simple, but there is deep meaning to what this is all about.
Don’t be a “man lacking sense,” and as my way of helping you, let us quickly dissect and discuss the elements of the parable spoken by Jesus.
Dissecting the Parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat
This particular parable has been opened a few verses before the exact parable. In Matthew 13:24 -25, the Bible reads,
The Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a man who constantly sow good seed in his field. However, while his people were asleep, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat sprouted and went away.
So what do all these things mean? To give you a better understanding of it, let’s dissect the seven (7) elements involved in this particular parable.
The Landlord
More commonly known in the parable as the “owner,” the landlord is Jesus himself. In the parable, in particular, he mentions that the one who sowed good seed is the Son of Man, which he is referring to himself.
DID YOU KNOW: The term “Son of Man” has been used around 84 times in other gospels and stories, and this is what Jesus uses to describe himself.
The Enemy
In Matthew 13: 25, it was when the enemy came and sowed weeds on good soil or where the seeds fell. What this does is it will make it harder for the owner or the landlord to sow good seed because when wheat developed and bore grain, it will be hard, tough, and similar-looking.
But while he and his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds.”
Looking back at the parable of the weeds, we know that the enemy is the devil.
The truth is, the world will never be filled with good people. There will always be bad and good, and it will be up to us how we would be impacting others.
The Seed
In the parable of the sower, which is still another parable, the seed — particularly the mustard seed, is identified as the Word of God that, when planted, can grow large and are planted on good soil, rocky ground, path, and thorns.
For this parable, though, the symbolization of seed changes. These represent the people. The good seed is the Kingdom’s sons, while the weeds are the sons of the evil one.
The world will never run out of bad people (weeds), and that’s just the way it is.
The Field
If you remember, Jesus, in his own words, said, “the field is the world,” and it’s crucial to understand what this truly means.
Experts and diplomats think this simply means that the field is the church, and while it had initial speculation, that was incorrect. The real meaning to this was that the field is the world, where there can be good seed and bad.
The Inquiry
After Jesus finished the parable, one of his disciples asked, “Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? If so, why does it have weeds?”
This question sparked a ton of debate in both the Theological and Psychological aspect, but the simple and straightforward answer to that will depend on how people in the world will change for the Lord.
All people are good sons, and they are destined for everlasting life. However, there are other seeds that chose to be in the presence of the enemy (devil).
The Growth
To that, the Lord Jesus Christ answers, “let both grow together until the harvest.”
What this means is that the bad seeds (influenced by the evil one) grow together with the good seed. This will be until the “harvest,” or when our Father sends his angels to weed out the bad from the good.
The teachings of the Lord discuss that we need to understand and gather knowledge of the world before entering the Kingdom.
This also signifies that bad seeds aren’t always faced up on a stone wall. They can change, repent, ask for forgiveness, and pay forward what they have come upon.
The Harvest
During the time of the harvest, the Lord God himself said that he would give instruction to the harvesters (angels) to find weeds first to be burned in a great fire.
This means that on the day of Judgment, the weeds are going to be thrown into a fiery furnace, while the good seed or the wheat will be gathered and taken into the barn, symbolizing the salvation of the good and the forever punishment of the bad.
The Holy Bible or the Holy Scriptures is something that’s filled with these types of parables. For example, there is the Parable of the Good Soil, the Parable of the Mustard Seed, and many other stories that revolve around life and related topics.
But what does it have to do with marijuana?
What Does the Holy Bible Say About Weeds?

If we take it to a direct course, we wouldn’t see anything about the use of cannabis in the Bible. There’s no mention that people who use it are the devil; there’s no indication that you wouldn’t be accepted in heaven if you consume it.
However, the Bible has warnings about the evil and dangers of drunkenness. According to Ephesians Chapter 5 verse 18 (New Living Translation)
Don’t be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Taking from this context, as both a Christian and an expert cannabis enthusiast, I would like to share a couple of points and factors relating to it.
Marijuana vs. Alcohol

The Bible labels “wine” as evil as it is the one that causes drunkenness, but what about marijuana? Shouldn’t it be considered not evil because it’s natural? Why is it considered a sin?
If you think of it this way, you also have to consider the fact that wine is also a natural product; it comes from grapes. The effects of too much consumption are what lead to sin, and therefore, this is what’s needed to be resolved.
Both marijuana (cannabis) and alcohol (wine) are natural products that God bestowed upon us for our consumption. We received instruction from God himself about how we need to control and go over devil prowls.
As said in the book of Galatians, chapter 5, verses 19 to 21,
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: drunkenness, sexual immorality, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, self-ambition, factions, orgies, envy, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
Self-control is the only way for the righteous, and it will be key to entering the Kingdom of God.
Can Christians Smoke Weed According to the Bible?

In simplicity, no, Christians aren’t allowed to smoke weed or marijuana simply because the goal of it is to be intoxicated. Going back to the Galatians verse, intoxication is what’s considered a “sin.”
That is the fruit of the improper use of such natural produce and, therefore, can be considered the work of the unholy.
So, to answer it, no, the act of smoking marijuana is restricted for Christians in a Theological aspect. Even other non-Christian religions consider it a sin, too!
Regardless of the amount, smoking is the root of sin, and therefore, it should be avoided.
However, the most common argument rebutted in these types of scenarios would be the use of marijuana in the medical sphere. Yes, I’m talking about medicinal marijuana. Is this okay? Would this not disobey the Word of God?
Marijuana and Christianity: The World Promotes Weed Smoking
Based on what we read and hear, recreational marijuana is something that’s frowned upon in both legal and Theological terms. Using it for leisure, especially without thinking of its adverse effects, is considered wrongdoing, and that is the reason why America legalized the use of marijuana.
However, medical marijuana is a different story. A lot of testimonies, evidence, and proof that medical or medicinal marijuana is better than a lot of over-the-counter pills are true.
Based on this, a lot of Christian scholars reevaluated their stand against it and came to the decision that if the use of marijuana is for medical reasons, then it is acceptable. Cannabis is a natural God-given grace; why wouldn’t you use it?
The thing is, smoking it will actually do you a lot worse than better. The earth is filled with many different types and kinds of technology, and therefore, there are other ways to consume it.
Taking Medical Marijuana
Other than smoking, there are other ways on how you can take or consume medical marijuana, should it be prescribed by your healthcare professional.
Since smoking lists one as part of the common sins, you can take medical marijuana in the following ways:
- Few drops of liquid under your tongue
- Eating it (consuming it)
- Applying it to your skin via spray, lotion, cream, and oil
- Inhaling it using vapor
NOTE: Smoking, regardless of the herbs, is NEVER healthy for the lungs. So, it's not just about sin; it's about considering your health, too.
It can be a confusing topic to hear, and you might need to gather yourself first before understanding it. For the benefit of everyone, though, here are some of the most asked questions about what the Bible says about weed or marijuana.
What is the Holy Herb in the Bible?
The holy herb that’s talked about in the Bible is Sorghum Vulgare, more commonly referred to as Hyssop. People used this herb to clean temples and other sacred locations in Egypt.
Can You Smoke Weed and Still Go to Heaven?
Yes, smoking weed is not the only determiner of whether a person will go to heaven or not. However, scholars still categorize it as wrongdoing. The greatest influence on your entrance and eligibility to enter the Kingdom of God will be if a person fails to surrender everything to the Lord.
Is it a Sin to Pray While High?
Yes and no — let me explain. For the most part, praying is not a sin. However, when you are high and intoxicated, you’ll usually not understand what you are praying for, not to mention you might not be saying the correct words. Theological scholars, though, said that people can use cannabis and still pray as long as they’re still able to understand and comprehend what they’re saying and praying for.
Final Thoughts
So, does the Bible consider weed as something that subjects you to crime and wrongdoing? What does the Bible say about weeds?
It may be an abstract factor for many people, but the use of weed is only considered a sin if it’s used for leisure and recreational purposes. Using it for medicinal purposes is valid.