How Much Does A Weed Plant Yield Indoor?

No one can exactly say how much a cannabis plant will yield!

But here’s the catch:

You can estimate this.

However, the right answer to this question: how much cannabis plants will yield indoors depends on numerous factors.

Therefore, it is the reason that you can’t exactly predict how much you can harvest with indoor cannabis plants.

So whether you want to know how much you will yield from your indoor plants this season or want to increase the yield of your garden, you have come to the right place.

With expert tips and tricks that can boost your garden’s yield, you are sure to thank us later after this guide.

Read on to know how much a weed plant can yield indoors and how you can increase the yield of your garden if you are growing weeds indoors.

Let’s get started:

What Is Cannabis Yield: Wet Yield Vs. Dry Yield?


dry vs wet yield

Starting from the basics, yield measures how much marijuana you have grown this season.

The quantity of buds that are removed from stems and ready to smoke. The yield of marijuana plants is usually measured in ounces, grams, and pounds.

Another common weighing scale is quite popular among marijuana dispensaries, which is 3.5g or 1/8th of an ounce.

However, weighing these buds is often done after drying and trimming them.

Therefore, the weight of dry and wet buds is not the same!


It is because they will be quite heavy when you harvest your buds and measure their weight immediately after harvesting.

The reason for being heavy buds is that they have a lot of moisture, which needs to be dried.

It is because the buds’ 75-80% weight is water after harvesting.

Therefore, it is estimated that after curing and drying your harvest, the actual weight of the buds remains 1/4th of the wet buds.

But the good news is that the weed will be dried and cured, mostly weed buds that you will get from anywhere in the market, whether it is your weed guy or dispensary.

That means you will get completely dry weed, and it will be more likely the ‘real’ weed.

However, if you are growing on your own, you need to understand that the weighing of weed buds also depends on the marijuana genetics or strain type you are growing.

For instance, Sativa marijuana buds are airier and more likely to show weight in wet conditions.

On the other hand, Indica strains are chunkier, so they are slightly less likely to have more weight than the Sativa strain.

So, it is obvious that you should always consider that you are weighing the dried and cured weed buds, which will be the real weightage of your harvest.

What Is The Average Marijuana Plant Yield?

Everybody wants to get the most out of their garden as a grower. Every grower out there wants the maximum yield.

However, on average, the yield of indoor plants differs by a considerable margin depending upon the growing medium.

Also, growing indoors and outdoors have their perks, but even if you are growing weed indoors, the yield, on average, can vary depending on whether you are growing it in soil or hydroponic growing.

Average Marijuana Yield Per Plant Indoors In Soil

There are two most popular weed-growing methods:

  • Growing weeds in the soil
  • Growing weed in hydroponics

Soil, the traditional and most popular option to grow marijuana, has been the first choice of most growers as it is quite simple and less complex than hydroponics.

But do you know hydroponics yields slightly more on average than soil?

Before knowing that, let’s first know how much weed a plant produces indoors in soil.

Of course, limited space growers get limitations due to space and other factors, but still, if you are growing weed plants indoors, you can get up to 5oz of yield per plant.

However, this average gets reduced to up to 3.5 to 4 oz only for the newbies.

On the other hand, experienced growers can use various techniques and methods to maximize the yield.

Additionally, the grow equipment like grow lights, grow tents, and other factors also impact the yield for indoor plants.

Though mostly grower report that light is one of the most crucial factors which decides the yield or can impact yield on a massive scale.

For instance, on average, you get around 0.035 oz per watt of light. However, if you put up the light of 600 wattages, this yield boosts up to 21 oz per plant.

That means better lighting means a bigger yield.

Therefore, experienced growers have reaped up to 42 oz of smokable buds with a 1200-wattage of indoor grow lights.

Hence, it is all in your hands if you want to.

Similarly, there are other factors as well which can make your garden’s yield bigger.

With the right equipment, adequate nutrition, and efficient use of your resources, you can improve the average marijuana plant yield.

Average Marijuana Yield Per Plant In Hydroponics

As said earlier, hydroponics gives slightly more average producing yield than soil.

Hydroponics is estimated to boost the yield by up to 20%.

So, how much weed does one plant produces using a hydroponic system?

On average, a hydroponic grow system can give you an average yield of up to 24 oz per plant, slightly more than the soil method.  

It is why hydroponics grow systems are also in demand and popular among new growers.

A hydroponic grow system boosts the average yield per plant because its optimal moisture-to-air ratio gives the roots plenty of room to breathe.

Above that, the nutrient-enriched water does the rest of the job for sky-rocketing growth.

It is why you may have observed that apart from giving high yields, you can observe faster growth in the hydroponic plants.

However, at the same time, growing hydroponically is a bit complex as compared to the soil method.

You need to maintain a proper nutrient ratio and pH levels, so your plants don’t get harmed due to excessive nutrients.

But all in all, hydroponics is a faster way to get success in indoor gardening.

What Impacts Marijuana Yield The Most Indoors?

As you know the average yield of marijuana plants in soil and hydroponic systems, you may be curious to know exactly what affects the yield overall.

Is it my grow tent, lights, fertilizers that I use, or something else?

So, let’s find out all the factors that overall affect your marijuana yield:

Growing Skills

Let me be honest with you:

Growing marijuana is a tough job!

Especially when you are starting as a newbie, I failed multiple times to get decent-quality buds in my initial days of growing weed.

But, over time, I polished my growing skills and am doing it better.

So, how much a single marijuana plant produces depends on your growing skills in your garden.

If you are starting your indoor gardening journey as a marijuana grower, then honestly, you shouldn’t put extraordinary expectations on your garden.

However, at the same time, if you are an experienced grower, then you will have multiple techniques to showcase with your garden.

For instance, if you know plant training techniques (which is more likely a skill that comes with experience) for plants, then you can use them to maximize the yield of your plants. 

But if you are a newbie trying to train your plant, there is more chance you can hamper the yield and even disturb the growth.

The good news is that you can make mistakes and learn from them to do better further. As a newbie, you should not pressurize yourself for the best outcome.

Instead, you can use trial and error when you start your cannabis-growing journey. The learnings will make you better with experience.

Hence growing skills are the first factor that comes in the way of fruitful results of an indoor garden.

The solution?

You need experience if you are a newbie. So, you can read different blogs and guides (ILGM grow bible is recommended) and take expert guidance from your grower friend, too.

Or, you can grow a few plants in your initial days and use only certain techniques which will give you more results in less investment of time, money, and hard work.

Plant/Strain Type

The yield of a marijuana plant also depends on the type of strain you choose.

Mainly there are two popular marijuana strains: Indica and Sativa.

Both strains are quite popular due to their properties like potency, average THC content, effects, and yield.

Generally, Indica plants are short and compact and have an average flowering stage of 6 to 8 weeks. However, growers report that Indica plants produce more generous buds than that Sativa.

Sativa plants are generally bigger and provide excellent outdoor marijuana plant yield as they easily get grow space where they can spread their branches.

It is why you will observe that Sativa plants generally grow taller and need consistent maintenance. But at the same time, Sativa strains produce great yield and grow more smokable buds if grown outdoors.

However, strain type does not cut the contribution of other factors to produce yield. Therefore, maintaining an optimal growing condition is also necessary.


Related to the strain type, the genetics of a plant also decide and impact how much the plant will yield.

Instead, growers believe that genetics is one of the essential factors determining how big, tall, or generous a cannabis plant will grow.

If the genes came from a parent plant that yields low, you are more likely to yield less from its offspring.

Does not matter how much you put light, nutrients, and water into it. It is not going to perform well.

On the other side, if the genetics of the plant are from enriched and healthy parents, you are more likely to be successful with your garden.

Therefore, it becomes an essential part of indoor gardening that before putting seeds into your garden, you need to give some time to the genetics part of the plant as well.

However, if you are one of the growers who wants an instant result and doesn’t care how much weed comes from one plant, then you can opt for autoflowering marijuana seeds.

Their growth cycles are faster, so you can have more frequent annual harvests.

Location Of Cultivation

Marijuana plants prefer Mediterranean climate conditions to thrive and yield better.

Therefore, growing a marijuana plant and getting the most out of it depends on where you grow it.

For growers living in a warm climate, they need to focus more on the airflow and maintaining the optimal temperature range in the growing area.

The excess temperature can cause heat stress and light burn, making cannabis leaf curl and ultimately leading to falling in the yield.

On the other hand, maintaining a thriving temperature for your cannabis plant is difficult if you are from a cold region. So you need to put more lights in the growing area for optimal temperature.

Hence, to maintain the healthy growth of your cannabis plant, you need to consider your location and regional climate conditions.

Grow Medium

Growing medium directly impacts the yield of the marijuana plant.

Doesn’t matter if you choose hydroponics or soil as the growing medium. Both can make you have weed buds rain!

But before that, you need to put some work into the field.

Choosing the right grow medium as per your skills.

Suppose you know that you can manage the complex maintenance of pH level, watering system, maintaining seedlings in different pots, and light schedule in a hydroponics system. In that case, you should go for the hydro option.

Also, it is faster to achieve a bigger yield while cultivating marijuana plants indoors in hydroponics.

However, if you are not comfortable or aware of how the hydroponics system works, you should prefer the traditional method.

Soil is one of the first choices when growing marijuana plants.

Growers prefer this because of its simplicity and less complexity than hydroponics.

Again, keep in mind that you need to keep the other environmental factors on point for the results.

Therefore, growing weed plants in soil has its perks, and so does it goes with hydroponics.

Decide which fits better for you, as it will impact the plant’s overall yield.

Use Of Fertilizers

Fertilizers work as catalysts to boost the growth process and increase the plants’ yield.

If you are using a quality fertilizer (like ILGM fertilizers), it will affect your garden’s yield positively.

Remember that fertilizer also requires understanding and knowing how to use it properly according to your plant type.

Overdosing fertilizers in your plants can cause nutrient toxicity, such as nitrogen toxicity, making your weed plants fall sick and ultimately reducing their capacity to produce weed buds.

Additionally, if you are not using any extra nutrients, you may face some nutrient deficiency issues with your plants.

One of the most common deficiencies that growers face is magnesium and nitrogen deficiency. Both are quite harmful to your plants and directly impact the yield.

Grow Lights

Grow lights are the full-time companion of your weed plants. They are the foundational block of the whole growth journey of your plants.

Of course, grow lights are important and have a major role in maximizing or minimizing your plant’s yield.

Marijuana plants photosynthesize to thrive and produce weed buds; they need direct sunlight. Grow lights that you use for your indoor plants are the replacement for sunlight.

Therefore, they directly contribute to the growth and yield of your plant.

As mentioned earlier, the more light, the yield.

You can easily boost the yield using a grow light with more wattage. But remember that more wattage will consume more electricity and put more numbers on your bill.

Therefore, calculate the right wattage for your grow light according to your grow tent or space.

Know here: How to calculate the wattage of grow light?

How To Increase Or Maximize Yield Of Marijuana Plants Indoors?

You already know the various factors impacting how much weed a weed will produce.

Now you are perfectly ready to know how to maximize your garden’s yield.

Whether a newbie or an expert grower, these tips from professionals will surely help boost the results of your indoor garden.



Lighting is one of the important factors in deciding yield.

Therefore, to maximize the yield of your marijuana plant, you need the best quality LED lights. LED grow lights are nowadays more common due to the:

  • LED grow lights have full-spectrum sunlight-like output
  • LED grow lights are more efficient and consume less power
  • LED grow lights have more service life

If you are growing for the first time, you must buy budget-friendly LED grow lights to help you have better gardening output.

Grow Medium

Soil or hydroponics?

Well, hydroponics can give slightly more weed buds than that soil methods. However, you also need better growing skills for that.

On the other hand, soil grow medium is quite simple, can suit novice growers, and even produce outstanding yield.

Hence, decide on one grow medium that suits your expertise. For example, the traditional soil method is recommended if you are a newbie.

However, if you have been into marijuana cultivation for a while and have some knowledge about weed growing, then you can opt for hydroponics.

Even you can opt for hydroponics as a beginner, but the yield may vary depending on how you grow them and showcase your cultivation skills.

The point of deciding on a grow medium in context to maximize yield is that the more you have expertise or knowledge about a growing medium, the more chances you will have for maximum yield.

And if you are a newbie, then it is obvious that you should prefer the easiest way – the traditional soil method.

Now you know that grow medium affects the yield or output of your garden; therefore, it becomes important to opt for it carefully to maximize the yield.

Using Nutrients

Use the right nutrients to maximize the yield of your garden.

During different growth stages, you need to feed your plants nutrients so they can thrive, stay healthy, and produce bigger yields.

However, ensure that you are putting good-quality nutrients into the growing medium. Also, keep an eye on the pH level of your grow medium.

Maintain a pH level balance and keep feeding your plants depending upon growth stage and need.

It will surely boost the growth of your plants and the yield.

Training Plants

plants training

Two main training methods are popular among growers: Sea of Green (SoG) and LST.

However, the SoG training method is more popular among indoor growers as it increases the average of how much weed a plant produces.

It involves training, so the buds grow with the same amount of light and horizontally.

Moreover, training of plants is also necessary because marijuana plants usually grow upwards with one main cola and many branches.

The other branches don’t get even amounts of light; therefore, by training, you help your plant grow even, and your lower branches get enough exposure.

However, LST is the technique that outdoor grower prefers for even distribution of light.

If you are new to training weed plants, you shouldn’t opt for this, as it can also hamper the growth of your plants if anything goes wrong.

You can take the help of online guides or blogs or ask a grower friend.

Maintaining Optimal Grow Environment

If you keep temperature, moisture, airflow, and pH level balanced, you directly maximize your plant’s yield with a great factor.

Marijuana plants need optimal environmental conditions to thrive better and produce big yields.

Along with using proper nutrients for your plants, if you keep environmental factors optimal, then you can get the most out of your garden.

However, you must regularly monitor your indoor garden and have a proper maintenance schedule to protect your plants from mold, mildew, and other issues before harvest.

FAQs About Indoor Weed Plant Produce Yield

How much weed can you get from growing one plant?

Well, many factors affect how big a plant gets and yields. But if you are growing a healthy weed plant, you can get up to 112g or 1/4th pound of marijuana buds.

It can make you 224 joints with 0.5g of weed quantity.

How much weed will 4 plants yield?

The four plants can produce a total of up to 20 oz. However, if you grow only a single but huge plant in a big container, you can yield as high as a pound.

How do I find the biggest yield indoors?

To find the biggest yield indoors, you need to keep optimal growing conditions, as well as you need to make your plants grow wider than taller.

It will make them yield more.

Do bigger pots mean bigger buds?

Bigger pots do not mean bigger plants or bigger buds. The recommended size of pot size for transplanting is 2 to 4 inches bigger in diameter than the pot that the plant was planted.

How many times can you re-veg a plant?

To re-veg a plant, you need experience and a good hold on weed cultivation. Expert growers can re-veg a cannabis plant yield even 3 or 4 times.

Final Words

May your harvest be bountiful!

It is what we wish for you as a weed lover. Growing weed will be very easy, and you can make weed buds rain if you know the right steps and has experience.

However, knowing how much a weed plant can yield indoors now, you also know the factors by which you can maximize your garden’s yield.

Now it is your turn. Go and start growing.

Get the most out of your weed plant!

Happy growing!

Christopher Andrews
I am Christopher Andrew, the owner of 420 Expert Adviser. I have been in cannabis cultivation for more than ten years, and I'm sharing my experience with you guys using this blog!

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