How to grow exotic weed In 2023

Cannabis is becoming legal in several nations worldwide, including the United States. Hooray!! However, if not formally endorsed, it is legitimate in the more significant part of Europe, and if not, it is endured, so let’s check how to grow exotic weed.

So have you chosen to begin developing your pot? Figure out how to grow exotic weed.

You’ll soon be a part of a rapidly expanding culture. The worldwide craze of homegrown marijuana.

Developing your marijuana is tomfoolery and a clever technique to fill your container with great grow, beautiful purple buds. Marijuana strains are concrete plant health that can be filled the entire year in various environments, nurseries, or inside.

Guide to grow marijuana from seed


Cannabis cultivation, like all horticulture, is an acquired talent. It is simple to learn, but it takes a lifetime to master. There’s a compelling reason you should fear becoming your own. The operation is straightforward and can be completed in as little as 15 minutes.

Understanding the principles of growing exotic weed strains is an excellent place to start your adventure. However, your end plant’s yield will be maximized if you make informed judgments early on. These seven essential plant ages will provide you with a solid foundation for becoming an expert marijuana gardener and a brief understanding of growing exotic weed.

Step 1: Selecting Cannabis Seeds

The options are endless. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, and various hybrids are available with a single mouse click. From personal experience, you know what you appreciate. What have exotic weed strains previously worked for you?

What have most exotic weed strains shown to be effective in treating your specific ailment? They’re almost certainly an excellent place to start.

Consider your changing circumstances while keeping your particular preferences in mind. For example, do you have a little bureau where tiny, quick-developing cannabis plants like most exotic weed strains or indicas will utilize your space?

Or do you have a vast backyard where you can raise one or rare strains in the ground or enormous pots?

Step 2: Basic Cannabis Knowledge

You love cannabis requires certain essential elements to develop at its best and offer you the grow colorful buds.


Marijuana requires over eighteen hours of light every twenty hours for good growth. You can regulate this using timing to cultivate Sativa plants indoors. Germination outside should be delayed until the cannabis plants have been presented to over twelve hours of daylight and consistently get no less than eight hours of direct daylight.

Growing Medium:

Indoor and outdoor, organic farmers will employ several soil types. But soil isn’t the only option. Coconut coir, perlite, vermiculite, and rock wool are nutrient-independent neutral mediums. Therefore, mediums are not used in aeroponics, solely hydroponics, or deep water culture.

The supplements are taken straightforwardly from the nourishment blend by the suspended root network.

Marijuana requires crisp streaming air for strength and sound gas trade. This isn’t an issue outside because your plants will be presented to breeze and hurricanes.

Inside, your cannabis plants will require outside air admission, flat air exhaust, and air development given by a fan. Bugs, parasites, and frail development flourish in still settings. Plant advancement will be eased back by the development of breathed-in gases.


Cannabis, like all living things, requires water to grow, develop, and perform biological activities. Assuming you live someplace with reliable precipitation, your open-air harvest might have the option to get its expectation for nature alone.

On the other hand, substantial weed plants have gained notoriety for being dried. So if you’re pulling out all the stops, you’ll have to enhance your water in the middle between rainstorms.

Inside, the water turns into the transporter of supplements. Consistently, unaltered water is utilized to flush aquaculture and soilless frameworks. Therefore, the pH of your water is critical. A dependable pH meter is essential for a fully developed unit for the sharp weed rancher.


Cannabis is a versatile plant that can endure cold and intense. It can become agitated and stop functioning correctly in extreme situations like you and me. Cannabis can cause death through freezing or boiling. It can either stop developing or enter stasis.

If the temperature is too hot or too cold for an extended time, it will go into survival mode. The agreed optimal temperature for strong cannabis development is 27 degrees Celsius. Indoors, fans, air conditioning units, and heating and cooling mats are simple. Lights will almost probably produce heat that must be ventilated.

You must choose your time when you are outside. Understand your local climate. Use a sun cycle app or chart to ensure you’re on the proper track. If you start too early, your male plants will go into flower right away and re-veg as the daylight increases. This is not acceptable.

When flowering begins, your flowers will not form properly. However, if you wait too long, you’ll have tiny plants with fewer flowering sites.


Marijuana strains, like all living things, require energy to grow. However, an excellent friable soil mix rich in compost, living creatures, vitamins, and minerals can provide enough food for your plants throughout their whole life cycle.

Compost tea and other organic combinations such as molasses or bone meal increase soil quality and promote plant growth.

You feed all of the plant’s lifeblood using pre-formulated nutrient blends in hydroponics or neutral mediums. Usually explicitly made for marijuana. Specialized formulations are explicitly created for the soilless medium of your choice.


When you’re outside, you don’t have much influence over this component and are at the whim of the weather. However, your plants will be highly vigorous because of the changes in humidity and the complex biological activities required to adapt to a changing grow environment.

From seed to flower, controlling humidity indoors is crucial. Leaves aspirate atmospheric moisture as part of their everyday operations. Therefore, effective humidity control is required for a pest- and mold-free environment.

Outside, in pots or the ground, in a grow tent, dedicated grow room or pantry. To survive and offer you high-quality resin-soaked nuggets, your marijuana must meet all of these needs, even in a companion planted garden.

Step 3: Indoor Cannabis Growing Lights

Since legalization, the number of lights and grow chambers available for growing cannabis indoors has exploded. How much cash you have will be the specific element.

Pantries To Grow:

There are entirely altered and prepared to utilize developed cupboards created by individuals with many years of involvement. Assuming that you have considerable cash lying around. Lights, fans, clone, veg, bloom chambers, clocks, and carbon channels are included and prepared to utilize.

Lights for every budget: 

At the far edge of the range, for under $300, you can have a crude, however exceptionally productive CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) or little LED board (Light Emitting Diode) course of action.

In an extra cabinet, glorious fewer buds are developing. T5 secures, for instance, arrive in an assortment of ranges for vegging and blossoming and can squeeze into a small space well.

Commonly used lights are HPS (High-Pressure Sodium) and MH (Metal Halide). For example, a 1000W HPS with reflectors can successfully light a 1.5 x 1.5-meter adequate outdoor space while giving significant development.

A 600W MH light, then again, will light a similar measure of room and produce top-notch blossoms toward the finish of the development cycle. The intensity made by these lights should be considered. Your developed climate may immediately be excessively blistering for ideal exotic weed advancement while perhaps not appropriately depleted.

Stage 4: Cannabis Seedlings and Germination

The germination of your choosing feminized seeds is the beginning of your whole exotic weed-developing experience. Each good seed has the data essential to foster the outdoor cannabis plant strain you’ve chosen.

To begin the existence cycle, they only require the right conditions. Seeds won’t sprout until three prerequisites are met. A suitable site, water, and the right temperature (warmth).

Cannabis cultivation is a natural process with no fixed restrictions. It is an art to master, not a sequential method to learn. There are several methods for germinating cannabis that is all equally successful. You will eventually discover which one works best for you.

Place feminized seeds Immediately into the medium:

Avoid transplant shock by placing tropical seeds directly into your medium. Before transplanting to the garden or larger pots, it is often easier to germinate in a small pot of your favorite medium.

Seeds are kept on a damp paper towel on a plate in a warm, dark environment. To keep moisture and humidity out, it’s usually covered with plastic or an inverted plate. Yours grow feminized seeds takes sprout in a few days to a week.

Jiffies, Plugs, And Rock Wool Starters:

Simple to care for because fifty feminized seeds can germinate in a tiny space. The seedlings can then be planted in their ultimate location without injuring the roots.

In Water:

Soak seeds in enzyme-rich water until they sprout a tap root, then place them in your medium. After about a week, the seedling will strike and break the surface.

Germination stations:

Germination stations allow significant control over the germinating environment, including humidity, temperature control, and the ability to speed up germination timeframes.

Photosynthesis begins when your plants break the surface and the cotyledons shed the seed husk and expand to reveal the first set of genuine leaves. You now have an actual marijuana seedling on its road to becoming a resinous indoor miniature or a thriving outside tree.

Step 5: Cannabis’s Vegetative Phase

When green leaves come into contact with light, photosynthesis begins in earnest. Then, finally, the vegetative phase begins as your plants begin to metabolize.


The led grow lights are scheduled for eighteen hours and six hours at night. Instead of the accurate daylight hours, you can set it to more convenient times. You can save a lot of money by running electrical equipment during off-peak hours.

Your plants are growing well in organic soil or are obtaining appropriate nutrients for their development stage. Lots of fan-forced breezes help your young plants grow more robust and keep temperatures in check. In addition, exotic practices can be used to release carbon dioxide into the environment.

Indoor cannabis can benefit from low-stress training and scragging to boost its growth rate and flowering potential.

How Long Does The Vegetation Phase Last?

The length of the vegetative stage is entirely up to you. For example, depending on whether you want many tiny plants to take up a lot of space, as the Sea Of Green approach does. Alternatively, select a couple of larger plants that have been topped and mainlined to generate massive bloom clusters.


Cannabis proliferates as the number of daylight hours increases in the spring and summer. A plant with enough root area and strong genetics can reach three or four meters during the vegetative period.

Most existing plants are continually bested and under-shucked during the entire developing stage. This advances an even shelter that loads up with green buds of uniform size during the blossom stage.

While there are over twelve hours of direct sunlight, marijuana will keep on vegetating. The farther away you are from the equator, the less time your exotic weed should take to mature before flowering.

Stage 6: The Healthy Cannabis Blooming Period

The exotic weed plant’s blossoming, blooming, and sprouting connects with a similar transformative phase. As aromas begin to develop, the next several months will be thrilling. Then, attractive floral designs specific to your strain of choice start to form. Finally, when the vegetation phase of the outdoor cannabis plant is complete, the blooming phase begins.

The first flowering stage may be observed outside when the summer heat passes, and fall approaches. Change the enlightenment timetable to a twelve-hour day, twelve-hour night photoperiod to determine when flowering begins.

Exotic weed answers hormonal changes that make it keep vegetating or start blossoming, contingent upon the species. APD and auto-flowering are the two most typical sorts: 

  • Outright Photo Determinate plants depend on a light-delicate chemical to keep up with their vegetating. When this hormone is active, it suppresses flowering. It becomes dormant in low light and as the evenings grow longer.
  • Flowering is induced by sleeping for 12 hours or more, and this hormone is age-dependent in most exotic weed strains. When the plant reaches a particular age, it stops generating it, and flowering occurs regardless of photoperiod. For example, it could occur when fourteen days after germination.

The Different Blooming Stages


A perceptible change in development design happens toward the beginning of the blooming flowering stage. Branch development starts to crisscross and packs with the decreased distance between hubs instead of the endeavoring and extending evenness of vegetation. Separation is promptly evident.


All species bloom simultaneously, although for fluctuating lengths of time. For example, weeks before a long creating Sativa, a quick indica will be restored and in the line.

Appropriate sprouts will start to frame not long after separation. Calyxes sprout quickly from branch internodes, creating pistil-covered puffballs. Youthful trichomes on the pistils, calyxes, and leaf surfaces are, as of now, creating gums.

Calyx puffballs begin to extend along with their spike. New luminous clusters and bud-specific leaves can now be added. These new leaves are thicker, more minor, crinkled, and trichome-covered than sugar leaves. The growing flower clusters finally bury them partially.

These flower clusters expand over time, forming huge colas with resin-swollen trichomes. The calyxes and trichomes enlarge with enormous amounts of attractive resins as they mature. Full maturity is approaching fast.

Step 7: Harvesting, Drying, and Curing Buds for Maximum Quality

Nutrients will be neglected for the next few weeks, and your plants will be rinsed with clean water. This ensures a pure flavor devoid of nutritional and salt aftertastes.

When Does My Marijuana Become Mature?

Pistils are shrinking and changing color now that they are covered in trichomes. Deep orange, mauve, brown, or red may occur depending on the species. The color of the swelling resin sacks all over the marijuana plant begins to change in waves. From clear to milky to clear again. The flower clusters that have been blown up appear to have turned inside out.

These indicators imply that it’s time to start reaping the benefits of your efforts. 

  • For a higher THC content, harvest when the trichomes are 20-30% amber.
  • Harvest when the trichomes are 60-80% amber for a more diverse cannabinoid profile. Keep an eye out because the time difference here could be as little as twenty-four hours.

Marijuana Plant Harvesting

Harvesting is done in a variety of ways. Be rakish and learn via experience.

Specific individuals might wet-trim their plants, including eliminating each of the leaves while the plant is as yet alive and afterward separating it further. Branches can be hung to dry or individual buds can be put on a drying rack. Specific individuals will simply pick and hang the whole plant in the wake of eliminating the gigantic sugar leaves.

There are no immovable guidelines other than to be mindful when handling. The tiny trichomes should be disturbed as little as possible.

Exotic Weed Curing And Drying

Dry your larger and longer buds in a dim, cool, low-dampness climate. This is a prolonged process that should take at least two weeks.

Check for over-drying or molds regularly.

Thin branches shatter readily when dry. However, thick branches will retain some flexibility.

Cured far fewer buds Storage

The chlorophyll has deteriorated, and the growing green has given way to species-specific naturally turn vibrant colors. When they attain their naturally turn vibrant colors, the colorful buds might be fawn, tan, pale green, or even deep blue and bright purple.

Loosely wrap your prize inside a well-sealed glass jar at this flowering stage. Open the top or “burp” the jar once a day for the first two weeks. This helps to remove dampness from your produce colorful buds, which can cause mildew. Then, only once a week, burp the container until the blooms are dehydrated. You don’t want a lapse in concentration to undo weeks of hard work.

How Long Does Cannabis Take To Cure?

You have ultimate control over how long you want to cure. Remember that when psychotropic compounds are adequately metabolized, a water molecule is lost, making them more psychoactive. Under ideal conditions, this takes at least six weeks to cure.

The longer the cure, the smoother the result. Keep your jars somewhere dark and cool. THC degrades into other cannabinoids when exposed to light over time.

If you’re not sure if your colorful buds are dry enough, take a sample as they dry and keep it for later. Due to the waxiness of the resins, dried cannabis may not feel dry. However, you’ll pick up the feel and skill soon.

It’s not difficult to enjoy your homegrown cannabis. Even the tiniest places can provide stinky results with a bit of attention and time.

Have a good time making new pals!

Choose a strain now that you know how easy it is to produce cannabis.

Before beginning a growth, the most crucial step is selecting a strain to grow. There are hundreds of recognized exotic weed strains on the market, and there are likely to be hundreds more. Selecting a marijuana strain can be a challenging task in and of itself. Therefore, we’ve compiled various top ten lists to help farmers find the best exotic marijuana strains.

Exotic weed strains will help novice and experienced gardeners looking for a quick harvest. They flower in around eight weeks, stay at a manageable height, and don’t attract much attention.

Growers aiming for excellent yields will love our top ten best-feminized cannabis strains. The premium types on the list are Power Flower, Amnesia Haze, and White Widow.

Take a look at this genetics collection. There are stoning indicas and energising Sativas to be found. These exotic weed strains require a change in the life cycle to force flowering. They do, however, exhibit more significant amounts and yields of cannabinoids than cars.

It’s not only about getting high when you smoke marijuana. Each strain’s varying levels of fragrant terpenes provide a unique sensory experience.

Fruit Spirit, Fat Banana, and Haze Berry are among the sweetest cannabis strains among our ten tastiest exotic marijuana strains. With each toke, these exotic weed strains deliver exquisite flavors. Make extracts and edibles with them to add flavor to your products.

Kush genetics are among the most sought-after and admired in the cannabis market. They have body-melting, stoning highs and are descended from Hindu Kush Himalayan landraces. Candy Kush, Bubble Kush, and Pineapple Kush are potent hybrids created by our breeders using these traits.

The Top 6 Easy-to-Grow Cannabis Strains

Punch Green Crack: Sativa is a fast, beginner-friendly strain.

Sativas are notoriously picky, requiring effort and practice to master. However, smokers can’t get enough of the energizing delectable, and robust flavor. So if you’re going to start with a Sativa, Green Crack Punch is a fantastic choice regardless of caution.

She can handle whatever you throw at this bright purple Punch X Green Crack cross easily. She won’t mind going over or underwater if you don’t correctly combine your nutrients, if the pH is incorrect, or if you have a few minor light leaks. But, she’ll still perform admirably!

After only 55–60 days of bloom, Green Crack Punch will reward your efforts with up to 500g/m2 of gorgeous, colorful blooms that are dense and completely saturated with resin.

On the other hand, Green Crack Punch delivers a potent high that is not for the faint of heart. Green Crack’s potency is deadly serious at 20% THC, starting with a roaring intensity and focus before calming down hours later into a pain-relieving physical stone ideal for winding down.

Purple Punch’s indica component is responsible for the final calming effect. The smoke is silky smooth, with notes of tangy lemon, juicy blueberry, and sweet grape.

Straight To The Point, Easy Bud

Autoflowering hybrids are popular because they grow quickly and easily. This is true of Easy Bud as well. She gets right to the point with quick finishes, short heights, and a forgiving attitude. Easy Bud is the way to go if you’re looking for cannabis seeds that are nearly sure to produce colorful buds, even if you’re still learning how to grow.

Easy Bud is a fantastic choice if you don’t have much space. She’ll keep under 60cm indoors but develop plump and meaty.

The branches will be strong enough to support her payload of 275–325g/m2 without the need for a sophisticated support system. Green blooms with a frosty sheen of resin, snuggled between robust, dark green foliage, reflect her white indica heritage.

Easy Bud has you covered if you’re a first-time user or need a little extra wake-and-bake in your stash. The THC level is only 12%, which is low for a medicinal stone. If you have zero tolerance, the buzz will take the edge off and let you relax, but it will not keep you glued to the sofa.

However, even hard-core stoners could benefit from a few of these flowers if one of their flimsy or paranoid friends turns up.

Winner of the Seriously Simple Cup

Super simple and the winner of the Cannabis Cup? You’ll get precisely that with this medium-sized cash cropper. Critical offers enough potent cannabis to grab the attention of professional producers but is simple enough for complete beginners.

This 7-week Afghani X Skunk might become your go-to variety after just one trial, whether you’re new to the game or subscribe to the “work smarter, not harder” philosophy.

Critical is easy to work with when planted indoors because she never grows taller than 140 cm. Use low or high-stress training methods to develop shorter plants depending on your taste.

In any case, the female plants will recover rapidly. The dominant color is green, with some autumn tints surfacing last week. After a brief bloom time, even beginners can see up to 600g/m2.

Critical is a 60 percent indica, 40 percent Sativa strain with a well-balanced stone that relaxes both the mind and the body. It’s calm, with no agitation or anxiety. So when you consume high-potency soil-grown cannabis, do you get a little paranoid?

Even though Critical contains 18 percent THC, this will not be an issue. This plant is as tranquil as they come. The taste is traditional: pungently sweet with earthy under deep purple tones.

Perfection Crystallized in White Widow

Although White Widow has produced several hybrids, the original Brazilian Sativa X Indian Indica is still the best and easiest to grow. She’s won numerous awards, wowed generations of growers, and no real stoner can resist her beautiful purple buds or blissful buzz. White Widow is a true show stopper compared to other exotic weed strains!

White Widow is a traditional Dutch breed, and she wouldn’t be so popular if she couldn’t flourish in the cold. Because she prefers a lot of light for maximum yields, this hybrid is best cultivated indoors. White Widow isn’t finicky in any other way. She doesn’t require any extra attention or dietary requirements.

Simply use good soil or an inert medium, keep your plants moist, and give your plants cannabis-specific feed, and you’ll have a fantastic harvest in just nine weeks.

Despite having only 50% Sativa genetics, White Widow smokes like pure Haze, providing an entirely cerebral high. The buzz begins as a tingling sensation over the face before exploding into a massive cloud of happiness.

It can be unusual if you’re not used to smoking this style of growing weed, so proceed with caution if you’re used to a more physical stone. The flavor is crisp and refreshing with a pronounced pine flavor and evident citrus deep purple tones.

Royal Jack Auto: Continuing the Jack Herer Tradition

Royal Jack Auto puts traditional, beautiful deep purple buds stay green into the reach of inexperienced gardeners with its shorter height and speedier flowering cycle. This variety stays true to the original strain with medical-grade head highs and Jack’s signature spicy smell. You’ll have a formidable Dutch pair when you combine this strain with White Widow.

Royal Jack Auto is an auto-flowering marijuana cultivar. Even if the led grow lights are left on 24 hours a day, she’d start to bloom within two weeks of germination. The flowers are fully formed and ready to cut after around ten weeks. So why not try growing a few of these autos alongside some photoperiod exotic grow weed strains?

You’ll have a wholly cured, smoke-ready Royal Jack Auto to make your second trim more enjoyable.

Royal Jack Auto has a potency level of 16 percent THC, suitable for medical or light recreational usage. It can even be used as a functional morning smoke for the highly tolerant.

The high begins with a rush of creativity and motivation before gradually fading into a relaxing body buzz with a mellow finish. The flavor is quite similar to Jack Herer’s fresh herbal flavor.

Special Queen 1: Excellent Value for Money

Few amateur cultivators move beyond their initial not many harvests without annihilating a couple of tropical seeds or killing a plant or two. Exceptional Queen 1 is an ideal Skunk mix that is reasonable, permitting you to collect an abundant stockpile of rotten blossoms without burning through every last cent. Save the more costly exotic cannabis seeds until you’ve dominated the rudiments.

Unique Queen 1 is anything but a bum, despite her minimal expense. These marijuana plants will be covered from head to toe with Sativa-predominant sprouts with a thick, unavoidable smell after only two months of blossom, now and again 7. They flourish in various conditions, including standard potting soil moist and aquaculture, inside and out, instructed and undeveloped.

Special Queen 1 appeals to professional and beginner growers because of its generous yields of 550g/m2 grown indoors and 550g/plant outside.

Special Queen 1 outperforms the original Skunk in terms of strength, with an astonishing 18% THC content that ensures this strain’s longevity. However, even if the high is more vigorous and lasts a little longer, it’s still a traditional cerebral high with a noticeable mood elevation.


What distinguishes an exotic weed?

Simply put, exotic strains are higher-quality ones that should be shinier than conventional ones. This is primarily related to the length and size of the hairs that cover all marijuana buds. These hairs are known as trichomes, and the buds are shinier because their growth is denser and more prolonged.

Do exotic weeds include chemicals?

Previous research has shown that allelopathy plays a significant role in exotic weed invasion. Plants, in reality, can guard or discourage animals, plants, and bacteria from new habitats by using particular compounds. In addition, each part of plant chemical ecology may be involved in the chemical mechanism of exotic weed invasion.

Gushers are what kind of cannabis is it?

Gushers are also known as Fruit Gushers or White Gushers. It is an indica-dominant hybrid developed by California-based Cookies Fam Genetics. It is a cross between Triangle Kush and Gelato #41.

Christopher Andrews
I am Christopher Andrew, the owner of 420 Expert Adviser. I have been in cannabis cultivation for more than ten years, and I'm sharing my experience with you guys using this blog!